Catch A Critter Offers Humane Solutions for Cumming's Squirrel Problems

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Friday, April 19, 2024 at 4:01am UTC

6 Effective Strategies to Prevent Pesky Squirrels from Invading Your Cumming Home

Cumming, United States - April 19, 2024 / Simpleman Digital Marketing /

CUMMING, GA—Catch A Critter, a local squirrel removal specialist, has recently released a comprehensive blog post outlining six effective strategies homeowners can implement to deter squirrels from invading their homes.

Cumming, Georgia, with its abundance of trees and natural beauty, provides a haven for a variety of wildlife, including squirrels. While these creatures can be charming to observe in their natural habitat, their presence inside a home can be a nuisance. Squirrels can inflict substantial damage to properties through gnawing, scratching, and exploration in attics, crawlspaces, and walls.

"Detecting issues early and taking preventive measures are crucial in avoiding costly repairs associated with squirrel damage," shares Richard Neumayer from Catch A Critter. "Our latest blog post gives Cumming residents practical strategies to keep these furry invaders at bay and protect their homes."

The step-by-step guide to deterring squirrels includes:

  • Sealing Up Entry Points: Squirrels are agile climbers and can exploit even the smallest gaps in a home's exterior. A thorough inspection of the roofline, soffits, fascia boards, and chimneys is crucial to identifying potential entry points. Once identified, homeowners should seal these openings permanently using appropriate materials like caulk, metal flashing, or hardware cloth.
  • Maintaining a Clean and Tidy Home: Food scraps, crumbs, and readily available pet food can attract squirrels. Practicing good sanitation habits like storing food in airtight containers, disposing of garbage regularly, and keeping pet food bowls emptied are essential deterrents. Additionally, removing clutter from attics and crawlspaces eliminates potential nesting materials for squirrels.
  • Eliminating Food Sources Around Your Property: Bird feeders, overflowing compost bins, and fruit trees laden with ripe fruit can be magnets for squirrels. Relocating bird feeders away from the house, using squirrel-proof feeders, maintaining a properly sealed compost bin, and promptly harvesting ripe fruit from trees can significantly reduce outdoor temptations.
  • Utilizing Natural Scents Squirrels Dislike: Certain natural scents, such as peppermint oil, cayenne pepper, and mothballs, can be unpleasant to squirrels and act as deterrents. The blog post offers guidance on using these scents safely and effectively.
  • Trimming Vegetation Around Your Home: Tree branches that overhang the roof or come near the house can provide easy access for squirrels. Keeping branches trimmed back at least 6 feet from the house eliminates convenient pathways and discourages them from reaching potential entry points.
  • Utilizing Safe and Effective Repellents: Commercially available squirrel repellents can be used as a last line of defense. The blog post emphasizes choosing products specifically labeled for squirrel removal and ensuring they are safe for use around pets and children.

When DIY Methods Fall Short, Partner with Catch A Critter

The blog post acknowledges that despite these precautions, certain squirrels can be very persistent. In such cases, partnering with Cumming squirrel removal specialists like Catch A Critter, is recommended.  Their team has the expertise and resources to handle even the most stubborn squirrel infestations. Their services include:

  • Safe and Humane Removal: Catch A Critter prioritizes the safety of both families and wildlife. They use humane exclusion techniques to remove squirrels from properties without causing harm.
  • Comprehensive Inspection and Sealing: Catch A Critter’s thorough inspection identifies all potential entry points, which they then permanently seal with high-quality materials to prevent future invasions.
  • Attic Restoration (if needed): If squirrels have already taken up residence and caused damage, Catch A Critter offers comprehensive attic restoration services. This includes cleaning debris, removing contaminated insulation, and addressing any structural damage caused by the squirrels.

Taking Action Today Prevents Costly Damage Tomorrow

"Squirrels may seem cute, but their presence at home can cause some serious issues," Neumayer points out. "By implementing the strategies outlined in our blog post and partnering with Catch A Critter when necessary, Cumming residents can keep those squirrels away and protect their homes from costly damage."

With Catch A Critter in charge, residents can trust that their Cumming homes are protected from more squirrel intrusions.

About Catch A Critter

Located 4 minutes from Cumming City Hall, Catch A Critter is a wildlife removal specialist company known for their expertise in handling local wildlife problems.  They offer comprehensive services, from the removal of various critters like bats, raccoons, squirrels, snakes, and more, to the repair and restoration of property damaged by critters. Catch A Critter is also recognized for its humane practices, customer-focused approach, speed, and efficiency.  Readers interested in learning more about Catch A Critter are invited to check out the company’s article on the top five hideouts of rats in homes.

Contact Information:

Catch A Critter - Wildlife Removal Specialists

125 Dog Path Trail
Cumming, GA 30040
United States

Richard Neumayer
(470) 680-8102

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